Bowen Therapy Technique Instructors
United States - Bowen Instructors |
- Bowen Therapy Training - Gene Hummel
"Eugene F. Hummel is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork ( NCBTMB ) as a continuing education Approved Provider." (1)
- Bowen Therapy International
 | | Instructor - (Retired): Jolean Parker Phone: (530) 888-7263
| Jolean Parker is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Body Work (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider. Provider #451678-11.
Continuing education credits are available to RN, LVN, and CNA professionals through the state of California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider #15475." (1)
- Debra Keathley, Instructor
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Bowen Levels I,II,&II I for both Humans and Companion Animals ( specializing in performance horses )
696 8th Ct
Vero Beach, Florida 32962
Phone: (772) 633-8284
Website: www.BowenHealing.org
Practitioner Listing: Debra Keathley
"Debra Keathley is approved by the National Certification Board for Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a Continuing Education Provider" #450527-07 and a CE Provider for the State of Florida #50-9199"
- Nancee Rogers, BS, LMT, RBI - Instructor
"After enjoying teaching at the college level prior to learning Bowenwork, it was natural for me to drift towards teaching this modality, which I love." (1)
- U.S. Bowen - Neural Touch --
"Bodywork Without the Work"
"Based on the therapy of Tom Bowen, other Osteopathic traditions, and the essence of the Internal Martial Arts. Offering Basic level courses, and the "Bowen Bridge" -- integration, expansion, and flexibility for practitioners of other Bowen systems."
" (1)
- Barbara Cheryll Hillier, LMT
"Barbara Cheryll Hillier is approved by the National Certification Board for Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a Continuing Education Provider #451058-09 and a and CE Provider for the State of Florida #50-12065
Currently offering 28 CE hours in Basic Body Balancing Level I & II and 14 CE hours in Basic Body Balancing Certification Level III, as tutored and endorsed by Milton J. Albrecht of Bowen Therapy International (original US Instructor for Bowtech Academy of Australia) " (1)
- Complete Health Fitness - Peter Fuller, CBT, CNMT, CMT
Bowen Therapy Technique Instructor
"Approach: SMART Bowen… less is more."Based on the
therapy of Tom Bowen. Peter Fuller is approved by the National
Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a
Continuing Education Provider. Training materials are copyright
protected." (1)
- Lynn S. Peck, DVM, MS
, Animal Bowen TM Instructor
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Animal Bowen TM / Touch Balancing TM Workshops
Gainesville, Florida
Phone: (352) 367-0709
Web Site: AnimalBowen.com
Bowtech certified seminars across the U.S. and Canada
- Vicki Mechner, Registered Instructor - The Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia
"Teaches 3 - 4 series of Bowtech seminars per year in Vienna, Virginia, one module per month for six months. The next complete series will begin in February 2005. Through the U.S. Bowen Registry, seminars are NCBTMB-approved, each seminar earning 14 contact hours."(1)

- Hawaii
- Carmel, CA
- Utah
- Tuscany, Italy
- Fiji Islands
Experience the essence of the Bowen Technique LESS WORK --- MORE
PLAY!Web Site: BowenVacations.com Instructors
- Linda Craig - Pathways Physical Therapy - Puyallup Washington
Neurostructural Integration Technique (NST)
"I am a certified introduction NST instructor and have found the NST work powerful in changing structural alignment quickly and easily."
- International Institute of Applied Health Services
Neurostructural Integration Technique (NST)
"Offers high level training in the most advanced methods of Bowen Therapy, exclusively for professional health practitioners. Offers training in Europe, Canada, Australia and the USA." (1)
- Bowen Therapy - Hands on Healing
Albert J. LaShell
Carmichael (Sacramento), California
5900 Coyle Ave. #D
Phone: (916) 348-6336
Web Site: BowenByAlbert.com
"Mr. LaShell has been involved in Bowen Therapy since it appeared in
North America in 1989. The California Board of Registered Nursing has
approved the Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced Levels of the Albert J.
LaShell Bowen Therapy Curriculum for Continuing Education Units." (1)
- Bowen Healing System - El Dorado Hills, California
"Bowen Healing System helps your body to UNLOCK THE SECRET TO OPTIMAL HEALTH. Leaders in gentle, low-cost alternative healthcare solutions with a a no-nonsense and proven healing system that awakens the body to heal itself."
- National Bowen Therapy Training
"Bowen Instructor with National Bowen Therapy Training. The Bowen release brings about incredible results by penetrating to a deep cellular level, incorporating the body’s unique ability to heal itself. ." (1)
- Dan Amato - Registered Bowenwork Instructor for Bowtech®
Retired from Instruction - 2009 Best wishes to Dan
"The body has an amazing ability to heal so if it is not healing it is stuck. Bowenwork® releases the body where it is stuck so it can quickly find its way out of pain and back to health. ." (1)
- Neurostructural Integration Technique
Ron Phelan
email: bowenst@iprimus.com.au U.S. Classes:
Puyallup, Washington, USA - PathwaysPhysicalTherapyCares.com
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA - RelaxRehab.com - July 2014
Profile: "Ron has spent many hours tracing the roots of Bowen here in Geelong, Australia.Treated by four of Tom's students, and interviewed six, and trained under three, as well as treating many of Tom's original clients has given him an invaluable insight to the variations and development of this wonderful technique." (1) |
- The Bowen Research and Training Institute
Jo Anne Whitaker, MD Lake Alfred, Florida (between Orlando and Tampa) In Loving Memory - Feb. 18, 1927 to Dec,. 5, 2008
30 years experience teaching Bowen practitioners
- Academy of Bowenwork - Seattle Washington
Certified instructor with the B.T.A.A. (Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia)
"Crystal is a certified instructor with the B.T.A.A. (Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia) Offering training in the greater Seattle area for anyone interested in a career as a Bowenwork practitioner."
- Bowen College
"Senior Bowen Instructor with Bowen College. She has 30 years experience of working with the body, where she has accumulated in-depth knowledge of the human body from the cellular level to the manipulation of body tissue." (1)
Canada - Bowen Instructors |
- Dr. Manon & Associates, Healing center for bowen, homeopathic and
naturopathic medicine
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Manon Bolliger ND, FCAH, DHANP, CCH, CBHT
Senior Bowen Instructor and Naturopathic Physician
Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine & Senior Bowen Instructor Address:
3345 West 4th Ave Vancouver, British Columbia V6R 1N6
Phone: 1-866-362-6936 (1-866 Do-Bowen)/ (604) 732-6222
Websites Bowen Education - www.BowenCollege.com Bowen Practice - www.HealingWhatIs.com Practitioner Listing - Manon Bolliger
| "Vancouver Canada's first bowen therapy 'walk in' clinic featuring Bowen
Technique Classes and training in the Original Bowen Technique
" (1)
- Advanced Bowen Therapy
"- you will learn to treat the whole body" (1)
- International Institute of Applied Health Services (NST)
"Offers high level training in the most advanced methods of Bowen Therapy, exclusively for professional health practitioners. Offers training in Europe, Canada, Australia and the USA." (1)
Europe - Bowen Instructors |
- Paula Esson - Bowen Technique Instructor
"Paula was originally head of Sports Science at Gateshead College and has practised the Bowen Technique for a number of years, gaining a reputation for excellent results " (1)
- International Institute of Applied Health Services (NST)
"Offers high level training in the most advanced methods of Bowen Therapy, exclusively for professional health practitioners. Offers training in Europe, Canada, Australia and the USA." (1)
- Clifford G. Jones - Post Graduate training for Bowen Therapists - United Kingdom
"Clifford teaches Max Walker's Extensions to Bowen - This 2 day course is intended
for qualified Bowen therapists of any school. For a seminar outside UK contact Clifford"(1)
- Joanne Figov, BA, RGN - Bowen Technique Instructor
(Bowen Association UK - Bowtech)
"Bowen Technique empowers the body to heal itself – the gentle precise moves on specific areas could be said to ‘reset’ the body’s ‘computer’."(1)
- Jacqui Marshall, BTAA - Bowen Technique Instructor
(Bowen Association UK - Bowtech)
"I have been doing Bowen full time for the past six years,although I also have an interest in flower essences and vibrational medicine. Trained in Health Kinesiology and use it for food allergy testing etc." (1)
- Suzette O'Leary - Ireland instructor
Bowen Theray Academy of Australia (Bowtech)
"We provide you with a quality learning environment in Bowen therapy training. Whether you are looking to begin a new career or want to learn a few things that can help your friends and family to relieve their pain, you have come to the right place." (1)
- International School of Bowen Therapy
- Australia - Germany - Austria - Switzerland - England - Spain -Web site: Bowen-Therapy.com Seminars: Schedule "ISBT Directors Lisa Black and Col Murray have been fortunate to have contact with and lengthy discussions and/or /training/treatment/observations with five of the six men (Tom Bowen's 'boys') whom Tom Bowen recognised as having an understanding of his work." (1)
Australia - Bowen Instructors |
- International School of Bowen Therapy
- Australia - Germany - Austria - Switzerland - England - Spain -Web site: Bowen-Therapy.com Seminars: Schedule "ISBT Directors Lisa Black and Col Murray have been fortunate to have contact with and lengthy discussions and/or /training/treatment/observations with five of the six men (Tom Bowen's 'boys') whom Tom Bowen recognised as having an understanding of his work." (1)
New Zealand - Bowen Instructors |
See the Getting Listed page to be listed here as an instructor or training organization. Note (1) Noted descriptive information was provided by and at the request of the listed training organization.
Important Disclaimer
Bowendirectory.com is not affiliated with any therapeutic or teaching organization. Neither do we specifically endorse the trainings or teaching of any organization. We do not endorse any practitioner. We only provide a directory where Bowen practitioners can be located. You take full responsibility for the practitioner you choose, and or training you participate in. Bowen Directory can not be held responsible in any way. | |